Wedding Ties


10% off 5+ ties / 15% off 10+ ties

Choose from over 100 existing patterns to find those perfect Groomsmen Ties

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First off, CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming wedding! Rest Assured, you have come to the right place for Wedding Ties.


Look we get it, there’s about a million things that have to get done for a wedding. From the Venue to the invitations to the food, and of course the most important thing of all, the Wedding Dress! Planning for a wedding is like trying to survive inside of a tornado for months, all while trying to balance 3 tennis balls on top of your head. Weird analogy, but you get the point. And unfortunately Wedding Ties fall to the wayside in all that chaos until most other things are already planned, picked out, scheduled and paid for. Then there’s that “oh crap!” moment where you realize you have no Groom or Groomsmen ties. So, you hop online and find some “Wedding Ties” that you think might work. Or you settle for some that you know won’t match great but you’re so frustrated with the whole process at this point that you buy them anyways.


Well guess what, no need to worry about any of that because we’re here to make the entire process butter smooth and provide the best groomsmen ties you’ve ever seen. Shoot, with our Tough Tie technology these wedding ties will become your go-to option for any and all formal occasions after your wedding.


So sit back, relax, and take a deep breath. We’re here to help.